Thursday, January 27, 2011

New Malifaux Recruit

For my Guild list has to be this likely lad, Ryle. I like his style ! My guild list is not very comprehensive and consist of Perdita Ortega and her family. The hand reminds me a bit of Hellboys. Also with some careful positioning you can use "socially repressed" to get an extra 4" move, meaning he can cover 12" and then take a shot using his "ranged expert" ability. Wow thats a 24" range on turn one, and if you trigger Fully automatic you get a 1/2/4 flip (cheat-able) against the same target. All for only 8 SS.

I like that he is a construct and that I can use him in my Leveticus "Steampunk Necromancer" list as well. If he should die, I would have 3 scrap counters (Mechanized Ability) , hopefully, then I can use to entropic transform spell to get some SPA's (Steampunk Abominations) . I could even make 3 in one turn....
I think the model would look better if the gun arm was raised up a bit, like he was on a shooting rampage.

I'd better put an order in so I don't miss out.

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